Technical Guidelines WIKI
Key Performance Targets and Indicators
for Monitoring and Reporting on the June 2014 AU Assembly Malabo Declaration for Agriculture Growth in Africa
- PC 3.1 (i) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (ii) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (iii) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (iv) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (v) Access to Agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (vi) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (vii) Access to Agriculture inputs and technologies
- PC 3.1 (viii) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Theme 1: Commitment to CAADP process
Performance Category: PC 1.1 Country CAADP Process
Objective of the PC: Develop/update national plans for implementing Malabo Declaration using CAADP implementation approach under inclusive and participatory process.
Performance Target: CAADP process to be fully completed at the country level: Reach 100% of the completion, by the year 2018.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 1(a) & 1(e)
Indicator: CAADP Process Completion Index (CAADPPro).
Definition / Explanation: The CAADPPRO is the measure of the level of country completion of the CAADP process in the country, through the level of availability of the necessary documents that justify the completion of each of the 4 main steps decided by the AUC and AUDA-NEPAD for rolling out implementation of Malabo declaration at country level. The 4 main steps include: (i)- the Step of Domestication, (ii)- the step of NAIP Appraisal, (iii)- the step of NAIP implementation; and (iv)- Step of NAIP M&E and reporting. This measure is based on the assumption that a ready document is enough to justify the successful completion of a particular step. Each step has a list of its proof documents that are weighted to compute the Indicator.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the CAADP process completion Index in %, is : CAADPPro= Average (pi)i=1 to 7
Performance Category: PC 1.2 CAADP based Cooperation, Partnership & Alliance
Objective of the PC: Strengthen multi-sector coordination among stakeholders to improve implementation towards results, through establishment of a functional multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body.
Performance Target: Multi-sectorial coordination body and multi-stakeholder body fully established and operational at national level (reach 100% for the quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body, Qc ) by 2018.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 7(b)
Indicator: Existence of, and Quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body (Qc).
Definition / Explanation: Multi-sectorial coordination means a situation where various agencies of government (including Agriculture, Education, Health, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation, Social Protection, Works, Finance, Lands, Social Welfare, and Protection, etc) work together towards a common objective on contributing to the agricultural sector. Multi-stakeholder coordination means that several stakeholders including government, National Bureau of Statistics, CSOs, private sector, farmers organizations, youth and women organizations work together through a coordinated platform to make and implement decisions that drive the national agricultural investment plan (e.g. Agricultural Sector Working Group). The quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination is assessed by several parameters, including broadness, inclusiveness, participatory, and openness.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the Existence of, and Quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body in %, is : Qc = ∑(Qci )/5 i=1 to 5
Performance Category: PC 1.3 CAADP based Policy & Institutional Review/Setting/Support
Objective of the PC: Strengthen existing agricultural policies and institutional settings to successfully implement NAIPs to achieve Malabo Declaration goals and targets.
Performance Target: Evidence-based policies and institutions that support planning and implementation are established and implemented by the country to deliver on Malabo (reach 100% for the Evidence-based policies, supportive institutions and corresponding human resources, EIP) by 2018.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 1(c), 2(b), 3(a) & 7(c)
Indicator: Evidence-based policies, supportive institutions and corresponding human resources (EIP).
Definition / Explanation: This indicator assesses three things: (i) the extent to which policies guiding the implementation of the NAIP are based on evidence from the Biennial Review Report or other relevant studies; (ii) existence of supportive institutions; and, (iii) adequacy of human resources to implement the NAIP.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the evidence-based policies, supportive institutions and corresponding human resources, is EIP = (EPE + EPI + FTE)/3
Theme: 2. Investment Finance in Agriculture
Performance Category: PC 2.1 (i) Public Expenditures to Agriculture
Objective of the PC: Allocate enough funds for agriculture in national budgets.
Performance Target: Increase Government expenditures to agriculture as part of national expenditures to at least 10% from the year 2015 to 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 2(a)
Indicator: Government agriculture expenditure as % of total government expenditure (ţGAE).
Definition / Explanation: As adopted in Maputo in 2003 and Malabo in 2014, AU Heads of State and Government committed to allocate at least 10% of annual public expenditures to agriculture. The AU/NEPAD Guidance Note validated in 2015 on the “Enhanced Measurement and Tracking of Government Expenditure for Agriculture and its Quality in Africa Countries” provides background on the composition of the agriculture sector and constitution of agriculture expenditure, thereby making clearer country progress toward compliance of the 10% agriculture expenditure target, and the rationale for appropriate levels of spending; and (2) the improvements in the quality of spending.
Indicator Computing: For a given year(t), government agriculture expenditure as % of total government expenditure is: ţGAE = GAE * 100 / TGE
Performance Category: PC 2.1 (ii) Public Expenditures to Agriculture
Objective of the PC: Allocate enough funds for agriculture in national budgets.
Performance Target: Ensure adequate intensity of agricultural spending by keeping annual Government agriculture expenditure as % of agriculture value added to no less than (or at a minimum of) 19% from the year 2015 to the year 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 2(a)…. Average of top 10 ratios of GAEAgVA
Indicator: Government Agriculture Expenditure as % of agriculture value added (GAEAgVA).
Definition / Explanation: It is a measure of agricultural spending intensity ratio, which is a more relevant measure of a country’s agricultural expenditure commitment and of placing it within a continent-wide or an international context.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the Government Agriculture Expenditure as % of agriculture value added, GAEAgVA = GAE * 100 / AgVA
Performance Category: PC 2.1 (iii) Public Expenditures to Agriculture
Objective of the PC: Allocate enough funds for agriculture in national budgets. It is also intended to ensure donors are delivering on their pledges and commitment to support national plans
Performance Target: Ensure that Official Development Assistance (ODA) committed to implement the NAIPs is fully disbursed to countries. The target is to have 100% ODA disbursement annually from 2015 to 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 2(a)
Indicator: Official development assistance for agriculture, disbursement as % of commitment (agODA).
Definition / Explanation: This Indicator measures donor commitments/pledges to ensure that what is committed/pledged is actually disbursed to countries to implement NAIPs. It also measures what is actually disbursed and spent in-country on the investment plans as opposed to what is pledged and spent at donor headquarters or what is spent in country but not aligned with investment plans.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, official development assistance for agriculture, disbursement as % of commitment is: agODA = agODAD * 100 / agODAC.
Performance Category: PC 2.2 Domestic Private Sector Investment in Agriculture
Objective of the PC: Put in place or strengthen mechanisms to attract domestic private investment in agriculture.
Performance Target: Ensure that domestic private sector investment in agriculture as % of agriculture value added is no less than xx% from 2105 to 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 2(b)…. Average of top 10 ratios of ţDPrPb
Indicator: Domestic private sector investment in agriculture as % of agriculture value added (ţDPrPb).
Definition / Explanation: Private sector Investment is defined as any use of private sector resources intended to increase future production output or income, to improve the sustainable use of agriculture-related natural resources (soil, water, etc.), to improve water or land management, etc. Increased investment is the predominate source of economic growth in the agricultural and other economic sectors. Private sector investment is critical because it indicates that the investment is perceived by private agents to provide a positive financial return and therefore is likely to lead to sustainable increases in agricultural production. It shows the relative domestic private investments in agriculture (DPrIA) to the size of the agricultural sector.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, ratio of domestic private sector investment in agriculture as % of agriculture value added is: ţDPrPb = DPrIA *100 / AgVA
Performance Category: PC 2.3 Foreign Private Sector Direct Investment in Agriculture
Objective of the PC: Put in place or strengthen mechanisms to attract foreign private direct investment in agriculture.
Performance Target: Ensure that foreign private direct investment in agriculture as % of agriculture value added is no less than xx% from 2105 to 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 2(b)…. Average of top 10 ratios of ţFPrPb
Indicator: Foreign private direct investment in agriculture as % of agriculture value added (ţFPrPb).
Definition / Explanation: Private sector Investment is defined as any use of private sector resources intended to increase future production output or income, to improve the sustainable use of agriculture-related natural resources (soil, water, etc.), to improve water or land management, etc. Increased investment is the predominate source of economic growth in the agricultural and other economic sectors. Private sector investment is critical because it indicates that the investment is perceived by private agents to provide a positive financial return and therefore is likely to lead to sustainable increases in agricultural production. It shows the relative foreign private investments in agriculture (FPrIA) to the size of the agricultural sector.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the ratio of foreign private direct investment in agriculture as % of agriculture value added is: ţFPrPb = FPrIA * 100 / AgVA
Performance Category: PC 2.4 Access to Finance
Objective of the PC: Increase access of smallholder farmers/rural households to and use of financial services for the purposes of transacting agricultural business (purchasing inputs, machinery, storage technologies, etc.)
Performance Target: Ensure that 100% of men and women engaged in agriculture have access to financial services to be able to transact agriculture business by 2025
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 2(c) and SDG goal1, 1.4
Indicator: Proportion of men and women engaged in agriculture with access to financial services, % (ţAgFs)
Definition / Explanation: Use of financial services is considered critical for increasing smallholder agricultural productivity. Financial services include savings accounts, credit, digital payments, microfinance, and insurance. The evidence is clear that women are less likely than men to use any of these services. Continued dependence on cash perpetuates the marginalization of the poor and inhibits their ability to take advantage of economic opportunities within and outside of agriculture as well as to absorb shocks without falling deeper into poverty. Men and women considered in this profile are any household member of 15 years and older.
Indicator Computing: For a given year(t), the Proportion of men and women engaged in agriculture with access to financial services, % is: ţAgFst = NfsAg *100/ NtAg
Theme 3: Ending Hunger
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (i) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: Ensure minimum use of fertilizer for African agriculture development at level of consumption of at least 50 kilograms per hectare of cropland, from 2015 to 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 3(a)
Indicator: Fertilizer consumption (kilogram of nutrients) per hectare of cropland), (Fz)
Definition/Explanation: Total fertilizer consumption is divided by cropland area to obtain consumption in nutrients/cropland.
Indicator Computing: For any given year (t) the Fertilizer consumption (kilogram of nutrients) per hectare of Cropland, is given by the ratio Fz = Fc /L
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (ii) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: Increase the size of irrigated areas (as per its value observed in the year 2000), by 100% by the year 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: African Water Vision 2025
Indicator: Growth rate of the size of irrigated areas from the size of the year 2000 (RiIA).
Definition/Explanation: The irrigated areas (IA) is the total area equipped for irrigation. The growth rate of irrigated areas (RiIA) is the change (%) in its value in 2000.
Indicator Computing: For a given year(t), the growth rate of the size of irrigated area (in %), is: RiIA = (IAt – IA2000)*100/IA2000
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (iii) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: Double (100% increase) the current levels of quality agricultural inputs for crops (seed), livestock (breed), and fisheries (fingerlings), by the year 2025 from the year 2015.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 3(a)
Indicator: Growth rate of the ratio of supplied quality agriculture inputs (seed, breed, fingerlings) to the total national inputs requirements for the commodity (ţAgI).
Definition/Explanation: Inputs (for improved varieties, improved breed, and improved fingerlings) supplied compared to national input requirements. This is a measure of the extent to which quality inputs is utilized to boost production of the considered commodity. This will be derived from the proportion of quality seed used by crop (quality seed sold as a proportion of total national seed requirement for at least one priority commodity).
Indicator Computing: For a given year(t), the Growth rate of the ratio of supplied quality agriculture inputs to the total national inputs requirements for the commodity (in %), is: ţAgIt = (Rt – R2015) / R2015
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (iv) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: All farmers have access to quality agricultural advisory services that provide locally relevant knowledge, information and other services by 2018
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 3(a), SDG Target
Indicator: Proportion of farmers having access to Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAgAS)
Definition/Explanation: Agricultural extension is the function of providing need- and demand-based knowledge in agronomic techniques and skills to rural communities in a systematic, participatory manner. This indicator is the percentage of farmers having access to Agricultural Advisory Services through training, information sharing, and other extension support related services to farmers and small-to-medium enterprises in rural value chains .
Indicator Computing: For a given year(t), the proportion of farmers having access to Agricultural Advisory Services is in (%), AFAgASi = (NFAgASt/NFt) x 100
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (v) Access to Agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: Increase the level of Investments in Agricultural Research and Development to at least 1% of the Agricultural GDP, from 2015 to 2025.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 3(a)
Indicator: Total Agricultural Research Spending as a share of AgGDP (ţTARS)
Definition/Explanation: Total agricultural R&D spending as a share of AgGDP offers useful insights into relative levels of agricultural R&D investment across countries and over time. It should be noted, however, that they do not take into account the policy and institutional environment within which agricultural research occurs, the broader size and structure of a country’s agricultural sector and economy, or qualitative differences in research performance across countries, so they need to be interpreted with care (ASTI). Agricultural R&D spending data is divided by total AgGDP values taken from the World Development Indicators.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the Total Agricultural Research Spending as a share of AgGDP in %, is ţTARS = TARS/AgVA*100
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (vi) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: Ensure that 100% of farmers and agribusiness interested in agricultural production have rights of access to the required land by 2018
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 4(c), SDG goal
Indicator: Proportion of adult agricultural population with ownership or secure land rights over agricultural land (ţHhSL).
Definition/Explanation: Land is a key factor of production and research indicates that land tenure security is necessary for investment in new technologies and sustainable practices. While men face a set of potential causes of tenure insecurity, such as a poorly functioning legal system and potential takeovers from powerful elites or the government, women face an additional layer of tenure insecurity if their rights are not recognized by the family, community, or law. Due to variation in land tenure arrangements, cultural contexts and legal frameworks, different ways of conceptualizing land rights, including land ownership, exist across and within countries. This indicator includes land held individually or jointly recognizing patterns of sole or joint ownership vary across contexts and have different implications in terms of law and property rights. As an official definition of agricultural population does not exist, the SDG indicator 5.a.1 definition is recommended. Such consistency would also reduce the burden on national statistic bureaus and land registries. Adult agricultural population is defined as: all adult individuals living in agricultural households – i.e. households who operated land for agricultural purposes and/or raised/tended livestock in the past 12 months, regardless of the final destination of the production (SDG 5.a.1 definition). 2. Agricultural Land: In compliance with the classification proposed by the World Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020), land is considered ‘agricultural land’ according to its use (FAO, 2017). In particular, agricultural land includes: land under temporary crops; land under temporary meadows and pastures; land temporarily fallow; land under permanent crops; land under permanent meadows and pastures. (SDG 5.a.1 definition). The indicator monitors a range of individual-level tenure rights and associated tenure security, disaggregated by sex.
Indicator Computing: For a given year(t), the proportion of farm households with ownership or secure land rights, ţHhSL is: ţHhSLt = NFHhSLi * 100/ NTFHht
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (vii) Access to Agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Promote utilization of cost-effective & quality agricultural inputs, irrigation, mechanization, and agrochemicals for crops, fisheries, livestock and forestry to boost agricultural productivity.
Performance Target: 5% increase depending on species and their associated generation intervals by 2025 – ILRI to confirm
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Performance Target: Malabo Decl. 3(a)
Indicator: Percentage increase in the proportion of evaluated and certified locally adapted livestock seed, by species/breed/ecotypes annually used in a country (pLCSU).
Definition/Explanation: This indicator proposes to track and report the trends of locally evaluated (1) and certified livestock seed used in Africa, with the aim of promoting wider use of locally adapted livestock that best-match local production systems to sustainably improve food and nutritional security in Africa. In Africa, national evaluation and certification systems are only functional in a few Member States. The majority of Member States, therefore, solely depend on evaluated and certified imported seed and unevaluated and uncertified local livestock seed. This scenario has made the African livestock industry uncompetitive and more importantly, overdependent on foreign certified livestock seed, which are often not best-matched to the local production system.
Indicator Computing: The index is an aggregation of the 17 indicators weighted across the thematic areas. The proposed formula is based on the following model:
SSPI = ∑_(i=1)^N▒〖A_i w+∑_(i=1)^N▒B_i 〗 w+⋯∑_(i=1)^N▒H_i w
Where: A_i – H_i are the thematic areas
i is the number of indicators in a thematic area
N is the total number of indicators in a thematic area
w is the weight assigned to each thematic area.
Performance Category: PC 3.1 (viii) Access to agriculture inputs and technologies
Objective of the PC: Percentage increase in the proportion of evaluated and certified locally adapted livestock seed, by species/breed/ecotypes annually used in a country (pLCSU).
Performance Target: Double (100% increase) the current levels of quality agricultural inputs for crops seed, by the year 2025 from the year 2015.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 3(a)
Indicator: Seed Sector Performance Index.
Definition/Explanation: The Seed Sector Performance Index (SPPI) is a tool that provides a “bird’s eye view” of the health of the seed systems across African countries. The Index will track 17 indicators that have been prioritized from over 150 indicators.