Theme: 1. Commitment to CAADP process
Performance Category: PC 1.1 Country CAADP Process
Objective of the PC: Develop/update national plans for implementing Malabo Declaration using CAADP implementation approach under inclusive and participatory process.
Performance Target: CAADP process to be fully completed at the country level: Reach 100% of the completion, by the year 2018.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 1(a) & 1(e)
Indicator: CAADP Process Completion Index (CAADPPro).
Definition / Explanation: The CAADPPRO is the measure of the level of country completion of the CAADP process in the country, through the level of availability of the necessary documents that justify the completion of each of the 4 main steps decided by the AUC and AUDA-NEPAD for rolling out implementation of Malabo declaration at country level. The 4 main steps include: (i)- the Step of Domestication, (ii)- the step of NAIP Appraisal, (iii)- the step of NAIP implementation; and (iv)- Step of NAIP M&E and reporting. This measure is based on the assumption that a ready document is enough to justify the successful completion of a particular step. Each step has a list of its proof documents that are weighted to compute the Indicator.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the CAADP process completion Index in %, is : CAADPPro= Average (pi)i=1 to 7
Theme: 1. Commitment to CAADP process
Performance Category: PC 1.2 CAADP based Cooperation, Partnership & Alliance
Objective of the PC: Strengthen multi-sector coordination among stakeholders to improve implementation towards results, through establishment of a functional multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body.
Performance Target: Multi-sectorial coordination body and multi-stakeholder body fully established and operational at national level (reach 100% for the quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body, Qc ) by 2018.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 7(b)
Indicator: Existence of, and Quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body (Qc).
Definition / Explanation: Multi-sectorial coordination means a situation where various agencies of government (including Agriculture, Education, Health, Nutrition, Water and Sanitation, Social Protection, Works, Finance, Lands, Social Welfare, and Protection, etc) work together towards a common objective on contributing to the agricultural sector. Multi-stakeholder coordination means that several stakeholders including government, National Bureau of Statistics, CSOs, private sector, farmers organizations, youth and women organizations work together through a coordinated platform to make and implement decisions that drive the national agricultural investment plan (e.g. Agricultural Sector Working Group). The quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination is assessed by several parameters, including broadness, inclusiveness, participatory, and openness.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the Existence of, and Quality of multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder coordination body in %, is : Qc = ∑(Qci )/5 i=1 to 5
Theme: 1. Commitment to CAADP process
Performance Category: PC 1.3 CAADP based Policy & Institutional Review/ Setting/ Support
Objective of the PC: Strengthen existing agricultural policies and institutional settings to successfully implement NAIPs to achieve Malabo Declaration goals and targets.
Performance Target: Evidence-based policies and institutions that support planning and implementation are established and implemented by the country to deliver on Malabo (reach 100% for the Evidence-based policies, supportive institutions and corresponding human resources, EIP) by 2018.
Reference in the Malabo Declaration: Malabo Decl. 1(c), 2(b), 3(a) & 7(c)
Indicator: Evidence-based policies, supportive institutions and corresponding human resources (EIP).
Definition / Explanation: This indicator assesses three things: (i) the extent to which policies guiding the implementation of the NAIP are based on evidence from the Biennial Review Report or other relevant studies; (ii) existence of supportive institutions; and, (iii) adequacy of human resources to implement the NAIP.
Indicator Computing: For a given year, the evidence-based policies, supportive institutions and corresponding human resources, is EIP = (EPE + EPI + FTE)/3